Monday 25 March 2013

Sugar gliders

I have been very much looking forward to meeting Jenny and Lucy's sugar gliders (Joey and Ziggy) but they are nocturnal creatures and are usually asleep when we are round at their house. However last night we were round there for dinner and just before we left we went to have a look and they were just waking up. Great excitement! Joey was the liveliest and he was soon clambering up the bars of the cage and eating snacks by holding them in his wee front paws. They are so cute; wee with stripey fur and enormous liquid black eyes. Because they were just waking up we didn't see them gliding about, which is how they travel from tree to tree in their native Australia. They are marsupials; tiny possums. I would love to have some sugar gliders in our house and so, I am certain, would my furry boy Jack the cat! 

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