Sunday 3 March 2013

Lunch at The Chip

I had a magnificent long lie in bed this morning, which I had requested, nay, insisted upon. Then James brought me breakfast in bed and, as we often do on a Sunday morning, we started to sort out the problems of the world; today we happened to discuss the conflict in Syria. David joined in the conversation from his bedroom! He made some very good points.
To celebrate all of our three boys being home for the weekend we had lunch in the Ubiquitous Chip, one of our haunts over the years. I like the food and the service but mainly I love the ambience in the courtyard restaurant with its cobbles and greenery. It's bright and lively but also relaxing. We had such a lovely time; we talked and talked and had a great laugh. We also belatedly toasted Jamie's birthday.
Later on we all chilled out at home and when Cat arrived she and Ally made some delicious chocolate fondants. What a pleasant day and indeed a pleasant weekend. 

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