Saturday 2 March 2013

In Omnia Paratus

On Tuesdays after shopping with the pupils we usually go for snack time to a nearby coffee shop. Recently while purchasing the coffees for my colleagues I couldn't help noticing that the waitress had an unusual tattoo on her arm; in fact it was a Latin inscription "In Omnia Paratus". Naturally I asked her to explain it to me and she told me that it means "Prepared for all things". Now that is an intention that I applaud, even though I don't always live up to it myself.
This week however I did try to be prepared, because I realised that as well as going for a coastal walk today I would be preparing dinner for Heather and Ewan. I wanted to make a nice dinner without feeling too rushed so I planned my menu early in the week, bought the ingredients, and prepared and froze two dishes (boeuf bourguignon and lime & mango ice cream) on Wednesday and Thursday. This meant that today I could relax after our walk and look forward to our guests arriving.
The walk was from Ayr to Barassie with the hill-walking club, and it was very pleasant. The weather wasn't as sunny as it has been earlier this week but it was fine and dry. There were seven of us plus Graz's dog Misty and we all chatted as we walked along, stopping for a coffee at Troon. The walk flew past and my legs didn't begin to feel tired until we were nearly back at the car. After a quick drink at The Wheatsheaf we headed home to set the table for our guests. With a bit of help from Jamie (home for the weekend) and Ally, who made the first course (bruschetta) the meal went smoothly. I was a bit disappointed in the boeuf bourguignon - I am never fully satisfied with my stews. It was great to see Heather and Ewan and we talked about all sorts of things as usual, and Heather and me were planning our spa day next Saturday, to which I am looking forward tremendously. So it has been a good day with both walking and entertaining. In Omnia Paratus - that's me! 

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