Thursday 6 December 2012

The icing on the cake

Today I iced my Christmas cake! I chose ivory coloured icing just because I liked the rich luxurious look of it. The icing is weird to manipulate, very stretchy when I lifted it onto the cake using a rolling pin. It also had a couple of air bubbles which I had to pierce with a pin and then smooth out. I was pleased with the result and it is now ready to be decorated next week - I'm still thinking about penguins.
Ally had an exam today and he thinks it went well. I hope so. Meanwhile Davie has found romance at school, not his first girlfriend but his first Duncanrig girlfriend; it's so sweet but he would be furious if I blogged about it at this early stage so I will say no more. Jamie has been having accommodation problems; his landlord is pressuring Jamie to find replacement tenants right now for the people who will be graduating next summer which seems very premature and unreasonable. Why should Jamie have to find the tenants anyway? I suspect the landlord would find it simpler to move in a new crowd of 2nd year students next session once most of the current ones move out in July so that they will all be there for three or four years. I think Jamie should just find a new flat for his final year at university; his lease doesn't run out until after his big exams in July so it won't affect his studies.
James made coffee using the new coffee maker tonight! There were various alarming sounds as the beans were ground and whatever other strange processes take place. The coffee smelt gorgeous and tasted authentic! 

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