Monday 3 December 2012

Ready for winter

It is well and truly winter which I suppose isn't surprising for December. When we walked along to Alison and Hugh's for dinner on Saturday evening the ground was icy with huge ice crystals that looked like broken glass! Last night the forecast snow arrived and we woke to a couple of centimetres of powdery whiteness. The brightness that this provided outside our windows fooled Jack into thinking that it was daytime at 5 a.m. - he paced around the bedroom, deliberately knocking over the bin, chewing loudly on a plastic bag, clawing the carpet and walking over our inert forms. Woken too early, we remonstrated with Jack but he appeared unrepentant, and when we set off for work he was settling down for a nap. Outside it was icy and slushy but the roads were clear so there was no delay in getting to work. The car park and playground were covered with a sheet of ice, so I am now carrying my moon boots and yaktrax ice grips in the car. With my new super scrapers and de-icer spray I am ready for the cold weather ahead! 

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