Monday 31 December 2012

My 50th birthday!

There are three distinctive peaks seen from Le Corbier called Les Aiguilles d'Arves. One of them reminds James and me of Jack's wee head, and it is appropriately called La Tete du Chat! I have had a marvellous birthday! We skied up to l'Ouillon and then over to Saint Sorlin d"Arves which is a lovely area with plenty of runs to suit all tastes. As James and I skied down runs, the boys would appear from off piste, hurling snowballs at each other as they shot past us. Lunch was in a gorgeous little mountain restaurant called "La Bergerie" with amazing views. And all day texts kept arriving from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday! I wasn't expecting this and I was really surprised and touched that so many people remembered. After lunch the boys went off to do their own mad skiing and James and I decided to start making our way back to Le Corbier which should have been about an hour and a half away including lifts. It's lucky that we started so early! Some of the pistes were a bit gruelling, especially the one which will forever be etched in my mind as "the so-called blue which was at least a hard mogully narrow red and maybe even a black!" Needless to say my skiing deteriorated due to nerves, tired thighs, and cramps in my calves. The piste map was a bit wacky in places and James ended up leading me off piste to get back to our apartment quicker. When we got back James ran me a lovely bath and the boys (who arrived back shortly after us) are making the tea. In spite of my sore legs and exhaustion I have had a brilliant birthday! 

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