Friday 7 December 2012


I fell down this morning on the ice beside my car! It was black ice and I just didn't see it at all. Mainly my dignity was hurt but also my left arm, my butt and my left foot. I'm going to have some spectacular bruises. Work was busy, busy, busy with prelims, but it was a good day. I picked up James after work and we went Christmas shopping in town. This proved to be a rather successful trip and we made very good progress with our list. Then we went for dinner to Dakhin and had a delicious dinner; the sauces are so gorgeous. I had char-grilled chicken with pathram which is an assortment of ground rice and lentil pancakes. James had a lamb dish which he loved and of course we had a huge paper dosa on the side. Now I'm watching Bruno Mars videos with Ally and Cat. 

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