Saturday 1 December 2012

My own blog used against me

James wanted to go for a hill walk this morning but I wasn't up for it because I was tired. Needless to say this led to various recriminations and David even joined in and read aloud from my blog of a few days ago where I bemoaned my lack of exercise. Eventually James and I decided to go into town to shop for a new couch. There had been a heavy frost overnight and the paths were thick with ice. It really is winter now! The ice on the car was a feathery pattern which looked very beautiful.
Our trip into town got off to a slow start; the couch hunt will have to go on because we did not feel inspired by any we saw. However we had a pleasant lunch in Zizzi, did some useful Christmas shopping, then finally ordered a magnificent coffee machine in John Lewis. I say "finally" because, like many Anderson purchases, it took us an unfeasible amount of time to decide which one we wanted. I think the coffee machine decision has taken about five years! James will collect it on Tuesday and then we can start grinding and brewing! 

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