Sunday 23 December 2012

Festive lunch

I got up reasonably early to get my hair cut. I want it to look smart for Christmas, my birthday and our ski holidays. I thought that the hairdressers would be very busy but actually it was quiet; maybe people were too busy Christmas shopping to get their hair done. The weather today was absolutely grim; it was windy and lashing with rain all morning. It was much worse in the north east where there was flooding causing landslips; the trains were off between Dundee and Aberdeen, which affected Aisling's journey home to her family. In the end she managed to book a bus instead which got her safely home.
With my hair all sorted I drove to Ingram Wynd where I was meeting James, Heather and Ewan for lunch. Because of the rain I drove up and down the street several times to find a good parking space, little realising that the other three could see me going past from inside the restaurant! We had a lovely meal; it was my first visit there and I would definitely go back. Then we strolled down the road for drinks and chat at the Metropolitan, a favourite haunt of ours situated in Merchant Square. The indoor courtyard had a large Christmas tree in the middle and was all lit up with Christmas lights which made for a nice atmosphere. It used to be part of the old Glasgow fruit market and outside it there is a wall of commemorative tiles with photos of the market in the old days. Ewan was just telling us that his Dad used to do business there when James spotted that on one of the tiles was a picture of Ewan's Dad's open backed lorry! Amazing! Ewan used to ride in it as a child! We had a very pleasant afternoon before heading home to make tea for Grandma. 

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