Saturday 22 December 2012

Festive cinema trip

Eight of us met up at the GFT this evening - James and me, Jamie, Ally, Davie and their girlfriends - to watch my perennial favourite "It's a Wonderful Life". I have lost count of how many times I have seen it, and each time I discover something new about it. I had booked our seats which was just as well because it was completely sold out, and I distributed paper hankies to all of our party for the emotional bits! I loved the film as always and I think everyone else enjoyed it too, the whole audience applauded and cheered at the end. We all discussed it on the way home; Cat pointed out that maybe George is so angry about his daughter catching a cold on the way home from school not just because he is stressed due to the missing money but also because he lost his hearing in one ear after a childhood cold. I thought that this was very perceptive and I was impressed.
When we got home we all had the chilli con carne or lentil chilli that James and I had prepared earlier, with rice, pitta bread, salad, soured cream and doritos. This all went down well and was followed by chocolate yule log. An excellent evening.

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