Saturday 15 December 2012

An Anderson family tradition

Today we went to choose our Christmas tree at the David Marshall lodge, according to a family tradition that has been going on for at least twenty-seven years. We have been choosing our tree there since well before our three children were born, and it has continued through babyhood, childhood and the teenage years. The boys love it and still want to come along even now. However this year we had a couple of new additions - Cat and Aisling both came along so there were seven of us! It was great fun. First we solemnly chose our tree, spending time deciding based on height, shape and straightness. The girls enthusiastically took part in these deliberations and we chose a fine specimen. Then after the tree was tied firmly to the car roof we went down the hill to the Woollen Mill in Aberfoyle for lunch, because the David Marshall lodge (where we usually feast on soup and toasties) is currently being refurbished. Next we went for a walk in the slightly damp but surprisingly mild afternoon through the woods to the waterfall. It was spectacular today, the white water was crashing down on the rocks below. We also went to a newly built wildlife hide, from where we watched lots of red squirrels climbing up and even inside the feeders, their winter coats thick and darkened. There were also lots of birds feeding, including some seasonally appropriate robins! Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, and there was lots of chat and laughter on the way home in the car.
When I left to go to my staff night out James, boys and girlfriends were all starting to decorate the tree. I had to hurry into town though because my night out started at 5 p.m. which I thought was very early. We had a cocktail making class at Bar Strata followed by a meal. The cocktail class was great fun and we had a good laugh; everyone was in good form. The meal which followed was excellent and good value, and the service was great. A good evening was had by all. I left about ten thirty, forgoing the option to go dancing! Town was absolutely jumping with Christmas revellers, but I was glad to be heading home to my loyal, loving family. 

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