Thursday 27 December 2012

Girl clothes

Yesterday we had a great afternoon with Janet, Peter and Anne. We had a copious lunch of leftover turkey and all the leftover trimmings, with added chilli con carne etc. to make sure that there would be enough. Just as well because most of it was devoured and we finished it off for supper. Cat and all the boys were there too and we had a hilarious afternoon playing charades and "Who am I" with the names attached to our foreheads on post it notes. The youngsters were all amused that us oldies were all having to share Janet's reading glasses to read the charades!
Today I found myself alone in the house at lunch time which is very unusual. James was back to work. Jamie had very kindly given Davie a lift to see his girlfriend, and was then going to have lunch with Chris and the gang. Ally and Cat had set off for a family party at Cat's house. Even Jack was napping somewhere upstairs after a lively morning of following me around the house. A feeling of great peace descended. I made myself a coffee all by my own self using James' splendid (or should I say "magnifico"!) coffee machine and I chose to heat up the milk in the microwave rather than froth it, which I actually prefer. I decided to be a domestic goddess (for a change) so I went to hang up a washing and found to my surprise that there was a pretty embroidered dressing gown which didn't belong to me! I suppose that it belongs to Aisling or Cat. It was a source of wonder to me to find female clothes other than my own in my house of boys! It reminded me of the line in the film "Always" where Dorinda sees the beautiful dress that Pete has bought her, and says "Girl Clothes!" James always said that I would get my girls some day and now I feel that I have! 

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