Monday 24 December 2012

Festive Day

A lovely Christmas eve - plenty to do but plenty of time to do it in. In the morning I did some last minute food shopping then went over to Noah's 4th birthday party - what a cute birthday boy he is, and when everyone sang Happy Birthday to him he was just SO happy and cuddled into Jackie. Jackie gave me an amazing birthday present - a personalised framed poster of our family, complete with cat! I love it!
I then went for a pleasant lunch at Clockwork with James and two of his colleagues before an urgent visit to a pet shop to get a cat Christmas stocking filled with cat treats for our furry boy Jack. Thank goodness that there were some left!
A relaxing afternoon of present wrapping ensued, followed by the preparation of the turkey. This year Jamie sewed it up using his surgeon's techniques! After a few final preparations such as setting the table we all sat down to watch "The Snowman and the Snowdog", a sequel to the thirty year old classic animation. I thought that it was rather lovely, a fitting tribute to the original. I then had to make a mercy dash into the centre of Glasgow to collect Alasdair who had managed to miss both the last train and the last bus home! 

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