Wednesday 19 December 2012

The company I keep

What a pleasantly busy week this is turning out to be! Pleasant and busy do not always go hand in hand, but this week's activities have been great fun. Last night I went to a festive mince pies evening at Catherine's; I knew some but not all of the other guests; it didn't matter because they were a very friendly group and we all chatted away happily. I also had a lovely chat with Helen which I enjoyed very much.
After a busy day at work today I met up with my friend Margaret in town for a meal at Zizzi's. It was a pleasure to see her, she is one of my oldest friends - by which I mean longstanding rather than aged of course; Margaret is a young thing compared to me! We came back home for a cup of tea with James and the boys and a good old chat. The boys have known Margaret all of their lives and treat her as one of the family.
Tomorrow I am going to my EK book club Christmas meeting at Rosemary's and the main reason I am looking forward to it is the great people I will see there. We have all been there for each other through life's ups and downs. It occurs to me that I am a very lucky girl; as the saying goes, "You are known by the company you keep" and I truly like the company I keep! 

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