Thursday 13 December 2012

Good deed

I felt much more energetic today and got lots done. I also did a good deed today for a colleague. I can't blog about it because it's work related, but I got the warm glow that comes of doing something nice for someone who needs it. I do try to help others when I can. For example I remember many years ago when I was a student teacher I got an excellent chance to do a good deed. I met a lady who had made an accidental thoughtless remark to a person who had been recently bereaved (she momentarily forgot and asked him to say hello for her to his deceased wife). When she found out that I knew the person too, she asked if I could convey her apologies because she was too embarrassed to contact him. I was delighted to do so; our mutual friend then asked me to tell her not to worry about it, and she then felt able to phone him. This may sound trivial but it didn't feel trivial to her at the time, and I was very happy to be able to help her even in such a small way. And that's the whole point; it doesn't have to be a grand gesture. I'm not going to list any more good deeds or it will sound "bigsy" as they say on Westray and anyway I'm sure that most people share my philosophy of "help not hurt". I have met some lovely people in my life as well as some less pleasant individuals - I try to be "one of the good guys". That's what a friend of ours called my Dad after he died - and it was true! If I could be half as good a person as my Dad I would be very happy. 

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