Saturday 14 April 2012

Time and tide wait for no man

Great excitement! Today James and I walked the 14 km from Dunure to Ayr, so that means we have finished walking all 92 miles of the Ayrshire Coastal path. It's the first long distance route I have walked so I was delighted. It was a pleasant section of the path and James had cleverly timed our walk so that the tide would be fully out, which meant that we could walk along all the beaches and round the headlands. At one point the path climbed up a bit along an old railway cutting which was very picturesque, lined with gorse bushes and great views of the sea, which was a dark prussian blue on this gorgeous sunny day.  As we approached Ayr we popped in to visit James' friend David and his wife Margaret and they gave us a warm welcome which included coffee and cakes. The last part of our walk was along the promenade and through the streets of Ayr. James and I felt very happy as we drove home and we are already planning our next project.
After I had a quick bath we headed into the west end where we had a celebratory dinner at Brel in Ashton Lane (hearty fare at a reasonable price). Then we went to see the film "Titanic". It was the 1997 James Cameron version starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo di Caprio, which has recently been re-released in 3D. I thought it would be interesting to watch it this evening because today is the 100th anniversary of the disaster; the Titanic struck the iceberg late on April 14th and sank in the early hours of April 15th. However I actually found it very moving, because in spite of the cheesy fictional love story, the scenes of the ship sinking reminded me of how awful it must have been for the 1500 passengers who didn't make it into the lifeboats, it was a terrible tragedy. Radio 2 is commemorating the anniversary with a three hour minute by minute account of the disaster to coincide with the time it happened. And I heard on the radio "The Titanic Requiem" composed by Robin Gibb who is currently very ill in a coma. 
When we got home Ally's party was in full swing, of which more tomorrow. Jack the cat was very pleased to see James and me and is in our bedroom right now, sheltering from the loud music and singing!