Monday 30 April 2012

Lady Rhondda

A busy but good day; for some reason I was in a tremendously good mood all day. It can't have been the weather, which was rather dreich. I did get a lot done at work which always gives me a feeling of satisfaction and I have been working with Ally all evening on yet another History essay, which was actually rather pleasant. As usual I was doing research while Ally feverishly wrote the essay, and the historical figure he had chosen to write about was Margaret, Viscountess Rhondda who was a very interesting character. Born to a life of privilege, she spent most of her adult life campaigning for women's rights, first as a militant suffragette who got sent to prison for trying to blow up a post box, and later as a respectable businesswoman who used more law-abiding methods to advance the feminist cause. She survived the sinking of the Lusitania in 1916, and left her husband to set up home with another woman. Although not as well known as the Pankhursts she was a strong and amazing woman.