Friday 13 April 2012

Philosophical Discussion

A busy day. In the morning I took Grandma to her doctor's to follow up some issues from her recent illness. It was a useful visit and we had a cup of coffee and a chat afterwards. Then Davie and I went into town for the lunch I have been promising him in TGI Fridays; to David' s shock the menu has been changed and no longer features his favourite "double stacked burger"! However he ordered something called a "monster burger" and seemed to enjoy it very much. We enjoyed watching some street dancers outside the window of the restaurant and we talked about philosophy! I recently bought him "Sophie's World" by Jostein Gaarder and he has started reading it. We had great fun arguing about the relative merits of science and philosophy. I love discussing things with David; he thinks very deeply about things and expresses his point of view very well. David thinks that philosophers simply ask questions and fail to provide answers, unlike science. My argument is that if we put the resources into philosophy that we have  put into science then the world might (morally) be a better place today. Needless to say, we didn't agree, but David is intending to continue reading the book. Later on Alasdair and I went out to buy supplies for his party; some beers, soft drinks, pizzas, crisps and snacks, and rolls and bacon (for the overnight guests). We also chose some pleasingly classical terracotta containers for the lemon and lime trees; it took us ages to choose and Ally was a great help. And in the evening James and I watched quite a good film, "Anonymous" which is about politics and conspiracies around the writing of Shakespeare's plays.