Sunday 22 April 2012

Walking on the West Highland Way

Well it didn't take me long to start on my next walking project! Having completed the Ayrshire Coastal path last Saturday I walked a bit of the West Highland Way today. This was not me taking the initiative though, it was because it was the low level route for today's hill-walking club day walk. It suited me well because it was a section that was new to me. Over the years I have walked the same section from Inverarnan to Bridge of Orchy many times with school groups, and today I walked from the Inveroran Hotel (north of Bridge of Orchy) to the King's House Hotel, so I am well started on the West Highland Way. To be honest I wasn't looking forward to today's walk but it turned out to be great fun. I was in a supportive and congenial group of four and we all chatted as we ambled along. Also the scenery was spectacular; beautiful open countryside ringed by steep mountains. And the weather was great, warm and mainly sunny, and not a drop of rain despite the forecast. We met and chatted to other walkers and had lunch beside a picturesque bridge. We arrived at the King's House Hotel which had deer grazing outside and had drinks in the lounge while waiting for the others (one group climbed a Corbett, the other a Munro). We got talking to a friendly Dutch man who regaled us in a lovely accent with stories about his hill-walking; "The wind was trying to shuck me up and I fell and twishted my knee!"and also to a pleasant but footsore couple who were walking the route for charity. After everyone had arrived and had a drink or two we set off home with our passengers and now I am heading for bed, exhausted not so much by the walk (it was only 14 km) but by the long day. I would love to walk the whole of the West Highland Way one day. 

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