Tuesday 24 April 2012

History will be kind to Ally for he intends to write it

I felt a bit tired and out of sorts this morning, but then one of my colleagues told me that I looked smart and I perked up. I'm so easily pleased! The rest of day was fine and concluded with an important parents' meeting about the upcoming Duke of Edinburgh expeditions which went very well. When I got home James had made the dinner which was a nice treat. Ally has continued to work on his History essay and was telling me how slowly he has been progressing today; I said "Now do you see how difficult I was finding the research yesterday?" and he said "Yes". I have continued my unpaid job as his research assistant this evening, and I have come to the conclusion that History is more complicated than I thought! I'm just glad that Ally is the one doing the actual writing of the essay. It has been quite interesting finding out about characters like Frances Buss and Elizabeth Garrett Anderson; what amazing women they were! And Ally has just told me that the notes I have made for him are really good, which is gratifying.  I'm about to head to a nice relaxing bath while James, David and Alasdair (on a break from writing his essay) are watching one of James' all time favourite films, "Apocalypse Now". Someday this war's gonna end...and this History essay...