Sunday 29 April 2012

Cataracts, pyjamas and boats

This is a blog in three parts. First the cataracts; Grandma finally had her first cataract operation today. I managed to get a cancellation and the operation was arranged at fairly short notice. James took her over to the Royal Jubilee Hospital early this morning; she was very brave and the procedure went well although her blood pressure shot up beforehand. It was so successful for my Mum that I have high hopes that it will improve Grandma's quality of life. James then took her home and tucked her into bed with a hot water bottle. 
Secondly, when I popped down to Morrison's for a few things today I was amazed to see a young woman shopping in what were very obviously pyjamas. She was a big girl and she looked terrible, especially as she was also wearing SLIPPERS! No one else seemed to notice, but I could hardly take my eyes off her. Oh dear, have I become very judgemental and middle aged? But how long would it have taken for her to put on a tracksuit and a pair of trainers? 
Thirdly, in the afternoon we went to watch Jamie racing with the Dundee University Boat Club at Strathclyde Park Loch. It was nice to watch him doing this sport that has come to mean so much to him over the last couple of years. It was cold at the loch with a biting wind, and the water was quite choppy. We watched his first race, in a boat with eight rowers, where unfortunately they came last. Then we all had a coffee and a chat in the watersports centre. Jamie had asked me to bring him some pasta to eat between races. Then James, Ally, Davie and I walked round the loch which took about an hour, and we were just in nice time to watch Jamie's second race, which went much better. This time there were four rowers in the boat and they came second, in fact they very nearly won. After the race Jamie was freezing cold so we left him to get changed and now I am in the middle of cooking dinner; Grandma will be over in a minute and we are having Moroccan chicken.
Update at 9 p.m. - Grandma has just left, after a jolly dinner, escorted home by Jamie. She was looking great and was very cheerful, no doubt relieved that her ordeal was over!