Tuesday 17 April 2012

Tired tonight

I am really tired today for some reason so I'm just blogging briefly from my bath. I didn't go to the gym after work which disappoints me but I will try to go tomorrow. Good news for Davie today; he has got a place at my school, Duncanrig Secondary School, for next session. David's plan is to repeat 5th year next session so that he will sit his Highers for the first time in Spring 2013. This is because for many University courses the results from the first sitting in 5th year are very important, even though you can sit more in 6th year. And the beauty of this is that none of his classmates at Duncanrig will know that he is repeating a year unless he chooses to tell them. His options form has been filled in and I have even arranged cello lessons for him. I am very hopeful that this will be an excellent move for him, not just academically but also for his confidence. Meanwhile he seems to be enjoying his volunteer job at Riding for the Disabled, which will also look great on his CV. 
James is tired too after a day in London. I am going to read a bit more of my current book, a detective novel by Susan Hill called The Pure in Heart. So far so good. 

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