Monday 16 April 2012

Stepping out

Back to work today after the holidays; it was nice to see everyone again and the day went well. I decided to go to the gym at the end of the day, but I had to really force myself. I footered around in my room looking for any excuse not to go. I finally got changed and went along to spend half an hour on the step machine, because I am trying to build up my leg muscles for summer hill-walking. I quite enjoyed it and found it very helpful to listen to my music as I exercised. David was back at his work placement today and is tired this evening, however Ally was still at home on the last day of his holiday, studying for his exams (allegedly). Later he went to Disabled Scouts; he helps out there faithfully every week. James and I have been watching an interesting programme on BBC2 this evening about the beginning of the 1970s, with lots of film and commentary about what was happening politically and culturally. It's strange to see events that I remember from a child's point of view, such as miners' strikes and power cuts, and although the footage is in colour it all looks as if it was a very long time ago!