Saturday 21 April 2012

A Day of Domesticity

Today I wiped the leaves of my little lime tree with a damp cloth, an act of almost unprecedented horticulture for me! I do like both of my little trees and am endeavouring not to kill them. I also made a stew for Ewan and Heather's dinner that I was quite pleased with; I have made it before several times, but this was the tenderest it has been - although not up to the standard of Ewan's Tuscan stew which is totally melt in the mouth. James made pancakes for the dessert of crepes suzette amidst much shouting when the smoke alarm kept going off! I also did a bit of shopping and worked with Alasdair on his extended History essay. We had a lovely evening of chat with our friends and I was very excited when I found out that I may have a condition called "shin splints" which Heather first pronounced as skinflints by mistake! It's not that I want to have something wrong with me, I was just excited that I may have a Sports Injury - indicates that I am being active! On further discussion it turns out that I probably don't have it after all which I suppose is good. 

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