Friday 6 April 2012

Ally and the interesting travelator

This morning Christopher and Jodie popped round for a coffee with their beautiful boys; Theo, Euan and Isaac. James and David were both at work so only Alasdair and I were at home; Ally was really nice with the wee boys and I think they enjoyed playing with him. They are so lovely and remind me of my own boys at that age. Jack got a lot of attention from them and was quite tolerant, although eventually he left the house and was seen disappearing up the garden, glancing over his shoulder at our visitors as he went. Ally and I then went into town where Ally had some things he wanted to buy, including suit covers, a hoodie and some underwear. We then had lunch in TGI Fridays which felt a bit wrong without Davie, however we still enjoyed it; Ally ate a huge full rack of ribs with prawns! He was so pleased with the Ralph Lauren underwear that he got in TKMaxx that he actually took it out of the bag to show me them during lunch! We then decided to surprise Davie by picking him up from work at the riding stables. We got there just before he finished for the day and saw him hard at work sweeping out a stall, he looked so sweet. On the way home we got Davie a Mcdonald's meal to make up to him for missing our TGI Fridays trip (he said "You betrayed me!" when he found out!) and we also went to a Tesco's in Ruchill to get a few things. It was on the top floor of a shopping centre and when we were leaving we were able to take our trolley down an inclined travelator to reach the ground floor. But what was really interesting about it was that the travelator was magnetic, so the trolley was held firmly in place and didn't roll down the slope, even if you let go of the handle. Ally and I enjoyed testing this. Now we are all watching a film called "Paris je t'aime" which is in fact eighteen short films set in different parts of Paris. Some are amusing, some depressing and some are just weird.