Friday 27 April 2012

Goodbye to Mum's House

I was very worried today when the chief invigilator came to tell me that he had a complaint about the reading and scribing I did yesterday. I was terrified that I had done something very wrong because he looked so serious; then he said, "It's all very well to read and scribe for a pupil but it's going too far to claim credit for her work!" and he started laughing. It turns out that on one of the papers I had written my name instead of the pupil's name! This came to light when the invigilators were checking through the papers later. Needless to say word got round the school and people were asking me if I was trying to get myself a standard grade in Biology!
Today the sale of my Mum's house went through; the lawyer phoned me about half a dozen times with questions, everything is done so precisely, and she didn't hand over the keys until the buyers' cheque had cleared. It has all moved so fast over the last couple of days, and I was amazed that by the time I got home from work the buyers were in the process of moving in. We had not got round to removing the last sofa and chairs so Ally and Davie went round to lift them out and James took them down to the dump in several loads with some garden rubbish. When he came back from his first trip he found Davie and Kyle standing beside the couch in the street, "in case it was stolen". James pointed out that he would have been delighted if it was stolen because it would have saved him another trip to the dump! So after two years, Mum's house is occupied again. It feels strange. 

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