Wednesday 25 April 2012

David was head-butted by a horse

I am so pleased with how well David's work placement is going; I think it is excellent experience for him and he is learning a whole new set of skills. His duties are mucking out, fetching in the horses from the field, grooming them and tacking them up. Today he was the back marker when the horses were led out with the disabled young people on them, which meant he had to look out for hazards. He loves it. A nice bonus for David is that he looks and feels fitter, it must be the hard work and fresh air. He always has good stories to tell us about his day and today he had us all laughing at dinner when he told us about the head butting incident. He was taking Smudge's halter off and the horse put its head down, then swung his head back up as he reached around it. Luckily no harm was done! One day he was grooming Solo and then one of the other volunteers said "You might want to stand away from him!" David moved away just in time because Solo then did a huge pee. Apparently you can tell when a horse is about to pee because it moves its front feet forwards and its back feet backwards!