Monday 23 April 2012

Sunshine and Studies

This morning I came down and saw Jack sitting illuminated in a broad shaft of sunshine which was coming in from the east through the glass of the back door. How he loves the sun. This evening he was basking on his sheepskin rug in the sunshine coming from the west of the house, slanting in through the French windows in the back room. He looked so comfy. Ally is working on his A Level History Extended essay this evening and I have been trying to help him with the structure. The trouble is that Ally doesn't know what he wants to write but he is very clear about what he doesn't want, which is anything I suggest. I just don't have the depth of knowledge to help him properly. Hopefully my support and good intentions are helping a bit, although from the grim look on Ally's face, perhaps not! Meanwhile James has been proof-reading Jamie's dissertation about orthopaedic technology, which he was not thrilled about but he did his best. I have to say that thus has not been the most fun evening in the Anderson household! 

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