Thursday 12 April 2012

My Lemon Tree

Another lovely holiday day. When I got up I noticed that there are tiny buds of blossom appearing on the cherry tree in the front garden. It is truly Spring! It was raining in the morning so I wasn't sure if Heather and I would be able to go for our planned walk in Rouken Glen Park. However Heather correctly predicted an improving forecast and by the time we met it was dry. We went for a pleasant circuit of the park, up round the pond to the waterfall. Rouken Glen has many good memories for me of when the boys were tiny; I went there a lot and we had picnics by the pond, and the children loved the play area. We have been there with prams, push chairs, tricycles, bicycles and even remote controlled cars. I remember my Dad pretending to climb over the fence at the waterfall which both amused and alarmed a three year old Jamie; he also pretended he was going to catch one of the ducks in the pond for tea when he took Jamie out in a rowing boat, Jamie was shouting with glee, "No Grandpa, don't do it!" No wonder Jamie loved him so much! It's a pity that they only had just under seven years together. Rouken Glen was always a favourite in the autumn too, because the boys enjoyed what they called "Skooshing through the leaves"; wearing their welly boots and kicking through the piles of fallen leaves. We have enjoyed the park in all its seasons.
Heather and I walked back through the glen and went into the walled garden, which didn't have a lot in it yet apart from daffodils. Then we went into the garden centre for lunch of toasties, cakes and coffee and chat; a very nice treat on a Thursday lunch time. After lunch we had a look around the garden centre and Heather noticed some little lime trees. They even had fruit on them and so did some lemon trees. I couldn't resist getting one of each for the back room. In the 1980s James and I visited Bar Pineta in Maiori on the Neapolitan coast which had a little courtyard restaurant through the back where Amalfi lemon trees were growing all around its walls and on trellises over the heads of the customers. We used to go there at lunch time and eat the "pasta of the day" which was always delicious. Ever since then I have liked the idea of having my own lemon tree. The lime tree is smaller and has a nice limey scent; Heather got one too. James seemed quite pleased with them when he saw them and we have put them on either side of the French windows of the back room.