Monday 10 April 2017

Walking in the sunshine

Today James and I went for a walk directly from the cottage, along the River Inver and  then over a low pass into Glencanisp, and back to Lochinver. It's a very pleasant circular walk of about 8 km, and we were very pleased that it stayed dry for us the whole way. In fact from time to time it was quite sunny, and the many gorse bushes were a beautiful bright yellow with blue sky behind them. There were a number of jetties on the River Inver for salmon fishermen. We saw two ducks flying overhead as well as some herons beside Loch Druim Suardalain. There were quite a few clumps of yellow primroses beside the path - although as he pointed out, none were as magnificent as James' primroses back home! The views of mountains such as Suilven were stunning in the middle distance. On our way back through Lochinver we bought some rolls for lunch which we ate with pâté and cheese back at the cottage. A most satisfactory walk.

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