Tuesday 11 April 2017

Coming down like stair rods

Today we woke to heavy rain and it continued all day. My Dad would have said that it was "coming down like stair rods." After a leisurely breakfast we read our books and I had fun putting my new coloured paper into my Filofax - yes I am well known for my excessive love of stationery! Alison and Hugh arrived in time for lunch and once they had settled in, we all jumped into the car and went to Achins bookshop where we browsed around and had coffee and cake. Despite the rain and low cloud, the views were spectacular. The rivers were so full that they were bursting their banks and the waterfalls were torrents of white water pouring over the rocks. Our next stop was Highland Stoneware Pottery just beside the cottage, where Alison and Hugh chose a seascape dish with the voucher we gave them for their retirement - it's lovely! James ordered a vase with irises for the front room; he has been thinking about getting one since we saw a lovely one during our last visit. Back in the cottage James lit the wood fire and we had dinner and a cosy evening of chatting. 

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