Tuesday 4 April 2017

Bus journeys

I walked along to Burnside to get my hair cut this morning. Although I was pleased with myself for embarking on a pleasant and healthy walk on this fine morning, it wasn't strictly speaking by choice! Ally has taken my car to go walking and camping up north for a couple of days. My hair cut was duly performed and I considered how best to make my way into town where I was going to meet Louise for lunch. I set off towards Rutherglen train station but saw a bus shelter on my way and decided to throw all caution to the winds and jump on the next bus. It was ok. I'm just not a fan of the bus. There was a very strong smell of body odour and alcohol, it was very crowded so I didn't get a seat for most of the journey, and the driving was so erratic that we were being thrown around all over the place. I had a pleasant lunch and did a bit of shopping. I got a message from Ally to say that he has completed his walk, Beinn a'Chaorainn and Beinn Teallach, in good time despite high winds and hail, and is now safely checked into Tulloch Station Lodge for the night. I headed back home, by bus again. And again it was crowded and malodorous. I will take the train next time. 

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