Sunday 2 April 2017


It is Sunday morning and I am now relaxing into my Easter holidays (or spring break which I believe is now the politically correct term!) At the end of the school term I tend to get a bit tense and over-excited, hoping that nothing will go wrong just before the holidays. It's a time of anticipation and worry which, in my case, unfortunately often carries over into the holiday itself. 

And something did go wrong on the last day - there was a particularly nasty incident, and although I was neither directly involved nor in any way responsible, it left a bad taste. So when I got home on Friday I didn't feel at all joyful even though I was commencing my two weeks holiday. However we had a convivial evening with Alison and Hugh on Friday and Saturday was a very pleasant day; we did some batch cooking and I got some shopping for Grandma, and we sat in the sunshine in the garden after a walk around the neighbourhood. On Saturday evening we went over to Lenzie to have a curry with Heather and Ewan at the excellent Rasoi, and the great food and great company dissolved the last of my tension; I woke up this morning feeling splendid. 

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