Monday 17 April 2017

Walks and films

The last two days have been relaxing and very pleasant. James' knee was still very sore on Sunday and the weather was wet, so in the afternoon we downloaded a film that we missed at the cinema; "Sully, Miracle on the Hudson." We both thoroughly enjoyed it. It was about the pilot who had to make an emergency landing in New York's Hudson River in 2009. The plane was struck by a flock of geese which stopped and damaged both engines; when he couldn't restart them Sully realised that he didn't have time to make it back to La Guardia airport. After his emergency landing on the water, all 155 passengers survived and were rescued by New York ferries. I remember the news reports at the time and found them very moving; he was undoubtedly a very skilled and experienced pilot. In the film he has to justify his actions to airline officials who would like to blame him, and it makes for a very watchable film. It is a bit hero-worshipping, but perhaps that is justified. I was also a bit doubtful about the way certain things were announced at the inquiry, that I thought were probably put in for cinematic effect, but that is just quibbling on my part. 
Grandma came for dinner on Sunday and was very frail and shaky. She fell off her chair at one point and we had difficulty helping her back up again. She seems to get on much better during the day than in the evening. After taking her home, James popped back round later to check that she was safely in bed.
Today we had a good walk round Strathclyde Park in the spring sunshine, which James managed without too much pain from his knee. We spent the afternoon with Ally and Cat swapping holiday stories and looking at photos. Cat and I popped round to see Grandma and did a bit of shopping for her; she seemed a lot more steady than yesterday I'm glad to say. 

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