Sunday 23 April 2017

Enjoyable Sunday

It has been a very pleasant and satisfactory Sunday. James and I had a bit of shopping to do in town, and it occurred to me that it would be an excellent idea to combine this with meeting Heather and Ewan for lunch. I was delighted to find that they were available and we arranged to meet for lunch at the Riverhill Café in West Nile Street. James and I started out at the Outdoor Experience where he kindly treated me to new hill-walking boots, because my old ones have started to come apart at the seams. There is a circular stone path inside the shop for testing out boots; it is realistically rough in places and I was a bit nervous that I would embarrass myself by falling down while I marched round it. With my recent track record this was a real possibility! However I made it round with no mishaps and am very pleased with the lightness and good fit of my boots. Then we went to Tyrwhitts where James bought himself a light raincoat; he will be moving to his new office in a couple of weeks and is looking forward to travelling by train instead of car. The raincoat will keep him dry on the walk to and from the station. 

The Riverhill Café was recommended to me recently, but I had not been there myself, so we decided to go along a bit early to check it out. It seemed ok and was very busy, which I thought was a good sign, so we got a table and soon Heather and Ewan joined us. The menu was interesting - a mix of traditional and exotic flavours - and the service was good. It was nice to try somewhere new and I would definitely go again.

Back home we relaxed for a while before making Grandma's tea. Ally arrived home from Dunlop and we all had a convivial meal. Grandma was on good form and enjoyed looking on Google maps at the new housing developments around the area. It came as no surprise that she didn't approve of them! 

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