Saturday 15 April 2017

Homeward Bound

Our last morning in Lochinver and there was a wee dusting of snow on the top of Suilven, Quineag, Ben More Assynt and Conival. We had a leisurely breakfast then said our goodbyes to Alison and Hugh. It has been a lovely, relaxing holiday; we didn't let the mixed weather hold us back from getting out and enjoying ourselves and Alison and Hugh's company was great. James was keen to do one last hill walk so I dropped him off at Cul Mor and then drove half an hour down the road to spend a few hours in Ullapool. I am very fond of Ullapool so I enjoyed myself mightily. I had a bowl of smoked haddock chowder in the Ceilidh Place then browsed around its wee bookshop, then bought myself a waterproof hat for walking (I prefer a hat to a hood if it's just a light shower). Then I visited yet another bookshop and walked along the front before returning to Elphin to collect James. Our timing was perfect because James had just arrived at the lay by, however there was a problem. James had tripped and fallen on the hill and hurt his knee. He had managed to walk back but it was really sore and I had to help him take off his boots and waterproof trousers. It remained sore for the rest of the day, hopefully it will get better with some rest.

It was good to see Davie and Tom; we all watched the first episode of the new series of Dr Who together.

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