Tuesday 4 April 2017

Nibbles lives to fight another day

There has been a wee moose loose aboot our hoose over the last few days! We knew this because Tom was spotted playing with the unfortunate creature on Friday. We were quite surprised because Ruby was the mouse and bird catcher of the duo - James always says that Tom is "a lover not a fighter!" So it must have been quite a stupid mouse for Tom to have caught it! However there had been no further sign of said mouse since then, neither alive nor deceased, and we presumed that Tom had taken it back outside.

However last night James noticed that one of his British Airways chocolates that he had left on his desk had been devoured right through its paper, and he and Alasdair resumed their search. Sure enough the tiny field mouse was found hiding among James' precious collection of vinyl LPs. Alasdair tried to trap it with a Pyrex bowl to no avail, as the terrified rodent dodged around inside the box. However, in a stroke of luck, the mouse (which we named Nibbles) attempted to leap to freedom and instead landed right in the Perspex bowl, which Ally deftly covered with a newspaper. Nibbles was captured! 

Before we released him into the garden we gave him a drink of water and a small piece of cheese. He ignored the cheese but drank mightily of the water - the poor wee soul must have been really thirsty! He seemed to be physically unscathed by his ordeal so Ally released him at the top of the garden and he scampered off. Tom (who had been confined to the front room during all this excitement) was none the wiser and we saw him searching around the study later. Let's hope that Nibbles has learned his lesson and avoids Tom in the future. 

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