Saturday 17 November 2012


Cat has been texting me from the wigwam of romance, and it sounds like she and Ally are having a great time. Today she climbed her first Munro and she said it was snowy and icy at the top. It's strange to think that she is going out with a young Anderson male the way I did all those years ago. The Anderson men have many qualities, both good (loyal, romantic, fun, hard-working) and less good (single-minded, high expectations, very active). I know that active sounds like an excellent quality but it has another side to it, which is losing the ability to relax. Cat has this all this ahead of her. Good luck to her!
I have been relaxing and reading; I strongly felt that I needed to catch up on some sleep this weekend so apart from a little housework and a brief spell at work this afternoon, I have been having a quiet time. I have started another book which is by a blogger I read regularly, about her life in France. It's quite intriguing because she seems very upbeat but reading between the lines there is a trace of wistfulness. I'm off to to some reading now; I feel as if I am re-charging my batteries! 

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