Wednesday 21 November 2012

May I ask why?

I went to see "The Ladykillers" with Heather this evening. I had heard of it as an old Ealing black comedy film, and I was aware of the 2004 remake starring Tom Hanks, but I have never seen it before. First of all we had dinner in the Piper's Tryst restaurant, so handy for the Theatre Royal and nice food. The service was a bit on the slow side, but it didn't spoil our enjoyment of the meal and we had a good chat. The play starred Michelle Dotrice (who will always be "Betty" from "Some Mothers do 'ave em" to me!) as an old lady, Mrs Wilberforce. Her dilapidated house is rented by a gang of criminals posing as musicians to cover up that they are planning a robbery. They even use her to help them unwittingly but she finally realises that they are villains and as she threatens to go to the police they decide that they will have to kill her. That is where their troubles really begin! It was all good fun and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Our view was a little bit restricted at the beginning and as there were a few spare seats we slipped along to much better seats along the row. In the process I found myself sitting beside someone who I knew from years ago and we said hello; she was also there with a friend. At the interval they said that they were not enjoying it at all and had spent the first half asleep or eating sweets! When I confessed that I was liking it my friend's friend said "I don't mean to offend you in any way, but may I ask why?" Far from being offended I found her frank question rather charming! (I think I replied something about enjoying old-fashioned plays). At the end of the play I asked her if the second half had been better for her. "No!" came the cheerful reply! Fair enough, the world would be a boring place if we all liked the same things. However I found the play to be very enjoyable and an excellent treat in the middle of a busy week. 

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