Sunday 4 November 2012

Luton Airport

I am standing in the queue to board my Easyjet flight back to Glasgow after a really lovely weekend with Jennifer. Last night we arrived at the Ardencote Manor Hotel at about 5 and checked into our room prior to dinner. We arrived in the dark so it was hard to get a feel for the place, which consisted of several buildings. However the receptionists were very welcoming and soon we were in our very nice ground floor twin room overlooking the golf course (which we didn't find out until the morning when I opened the curtains to see two golfers right outside - lucky that I was wearing my jammies!) Anyway we had a drink before dinner which was across the courtyard in the restaurant called "The Lodge". We were both very impressed by the service, quality and presentation of the delicious dinner, and we had a fantastic time eating and chatting. We then had a fairly early night because we were both tired - I read for a bit and finished Proust vol. 3 (The Guermantes Way). I have enjoyed it but the descriptions are so lengthy! Definitely no more Proust until 2013!
We woke refreshed and had a tasty breakfast in The Lodge before going for a little walk to see the grounds if the hotel. It was raining but we went down to the little lake and we could see the layout of the hotel more clearly than last night - there is an old part with a modern wing including the leisure centre, a modern building which includes a conference centre, and The Lodge restaurant, all set in beautiful grounds. The modern parts are attractively built in the same red brick style as the older building.
Next stop was the leisure centre where we had great fun for the rest of the day. Being hardy Scottish girls we asked for the outdoors pool to be uncovered - I love swimming outdoors and so does Jennifer - and the staff obliged straight away. The pool was quite warm and clouds of steam were rising from its surface which provided a surreal dream-like setting for our swim. Then we went to the hot outdoor jacuzzi where two pleasant girls tipped us off about the adjacent coffee longe so Jennifer nipped along there and brought back coffees for us to quaff in the jacuzzi! How luxurious it felt! We had lunch in the leisure centre bar while wearing our spa robes and slippers, then back to the spa for the afternoon. It was so relaxing. We set off at 5 for the drive to Luton airport which should have taken an hour and a half but in fact took two hours because the roads were so busy. It was really kind of Jennifer to drive me about like this and I have so enjoyed seeing her, and Russell, Joshua and Ben too of course! Now I am seated on the plane so I will finish here, but one funny story first. As all the passengers were standing waiting to go on the flight there was a last call for passengers over the tannoy system saying "Can all remaining passengers for Glasgow please go to gate 14 where your flight is already fully boarded!" so of course we were all laughing! 

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