Saturday 10 November 2012

Lunch at the Rogano

What a lovely day I have had! The lunch I was going to have with my school friends has been postponed until January so I had lunch with Alasdair instead, and it was great fun. We were in town doing some research on the Christmas present that he is planning for Cat. I must say he has put a great deal of thought into it, she's a lucky girl. We also got Ally a pair of climbing trousers that he needed. It was a dreich day so I decided that for a treat we would go for lunch to the Rogano. Alasdair loves the finer things in life so he enjoyed it very much! I had a scallop risotto which was yummy and Alasdair had the lobster Thermidor which he said was delicious. We had a great chat about all sorts of things and I was proud to be out with my tall handsome son. Just as we finished our desserts the fire alarm went off! We were all evacuated (a bit too slowly for safety I think) and there was much jollity on the pavement as the fire brigade arrived. It turned out just to be a fault in the alarm system of the offices upstairs. When we went back in to pay, the manager was very pleased to see us and said that not everyone who had finished their meal would have bothered to go back. But as Alasdair pointed out "We're not like that." 
Ally and I then parted ways; I set off for Marks and Spencer at Sauchiehall Street and Ally was going to look at shoes. I gave him money but did not accompany him; we had such a nice time together today and I didn't want to spoil it by the inevitable falling out that we would have had in a shoe shop. So here I am, as happy as larry, having a coffee in the GFT cafe. How relaxing. 

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