Tuesday 13 November 2012

French Umbrellas

Jamie has sent me a link to a French music site that he came across, because he thought that I would like it. He was right. After spending a year in France as a teenager I will always be a francophile and I enjoy French films, music, food, language - everything, really. In return I sent Jamie a link to my favourite French tune ever, which is the haunting love song from Les Parapluies de Cherbourg. Guy has been told that he has to go to Algeria to do his military service, and says goodbye to his lover Geneviève. It is a heart-breaking scene; Catherine Deneuve is very young and lovely, and Nino Castelnuovo is probably the most beautiful man that I have ever seen. Both singing voices were dubbed but that doesn't detract from this wonderful music. I'm going to watch it again right now. 

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