Saturday 24 November 2012

Strange boiler experience

James had a strange experience yesterday when the new boiler was installed and the old one was lying in the garden waiting to be collected along with bits of packaging and rubbish from the installation. A man rang the doorbell and asked if he could take the boiler. He had a van parked down at the street. James said "Are you from Scottish Hydro?" and the man replied "No I am Romanian!" James said politely that he had better leave it because there was a pick up already arranged by Scottish Hydro.
Anyway half an hour later there was another ring at the doorbell. A different man with a different coloured van. "I have come to pick up the boiler he said, in a thick Romanian accent, "I am from Scottish Hydro!" James of course realised that this must be a friend of the first man with van, however he let him take the boiler because he felt they deserved it for trying! He did however make sure that they took the packaging and rubbish too! Sure enough the real pick up van arrived later and James pleaded ignorance - they didn't seem too bothered.
So the new boiler is up and running. The house is warm - but it's not exactly pulsating with heat the way I had hoped! After all we still have the same old pipes and radiators. But it may be an improvement; the winter months ahead will be a good test! 

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