Tuesday 6 November 2012

A much better day

Well I pulled myself together and had an excellent day today! James is still in London and he texted me first thing to remind me to put the bins out. I was very relaxed about this until two minutes later when I heard the familiar sound of the bin lorry arriving! My hero David hurried outside to put the bin on the pavement just in time. And after this good start the day just kept getting better; I was back to my usual self again! When I got home from work Ally, Davie and I ordered in a curry (which is now sitting rather uneasily in my tummy and making ominous noises) and then we watched a film "28 Weeks Later" which started well but turned into a rather boring bloodbath. Meanwhile the results are coming in for today's American election - it is apparently a close run between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. The winner will be known in the next few hours, but I won't be waiting up to find out because bath and bed awaits me. 

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