Thursday 22 November 2012

Cold house

Well actually it doesn't feel that cold right now; there is no heating in our house because our new boiler is not yet completely installed, however James has lit the fire in the lounge and we are all sitting in there warm and cosy. Ally is doing some Law work, James is reading the final volume of Game of Thrones, Davie is doing his Physics homework, and I am reading a book called "Cross Stitch" (the jury is still out on this one!)
But cosiest of all is Jack the Cat, who is lying in his basket right in front of the fire, curled into a comma shape with all four of his paws crossed gently over each other. From time to time he gives a big stretch and changes position, reaching a paw over the edge of the basket or turning over to get an even heat. He really knows how to make himself comfy!
He has had an exciting day. The electricians turned up at 8 a.m. and James says that when he saw them peering under the floor in the hall he was so nosy that his face was pressed against the glass of the door from the extension! He then appeared upstairs and told me that we had intruders by catching my eye then staring wide eyed towards the door. James took the day off to discuss and agree to what they were doing, (just as well he did because there were various difficulties) and later he heard the electricians shouting "Hey, there's a cat under the floor!", no prizes for guessing who! What with supervising the electricians and entertaining James all day, no wonder Jack is exhausted!
Let's hope that the house is not too cold in the morning and that the new boiler is churning out heat by the time I get home from work tomorrow. 

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