Friday 9 November 2012

Books and music

Book club this evening was at my house and we were discussing "The Man who forgot his wife" by John O'Farrell. For a fairly light-hearted book it stimulated a good amount of discussion because the themes were very interesting. It had a lot of parallels with a book that I read earlier this year called "Before I go to Sleep" which also dealt with memory loss. One of the best discussions we ever had at book club was about a book I chose called "Under the Skin" by Michel Faber, and I was gratified to hear people still talking about what an impression it made on them, at a recent book club meeting. But most often I prefer to let others choose the book because I already have confidence in this area (one of the few areas I do feel confident in!), probably just because of the sheer amount of reading that I do and have done. I think it's a shame if someone is nervous about their choice or crestfallen if people don't unanimously like it, and I always point out that the fun of book club is trying out different books, and that includes light hearted ones as well as serious tomes. We had a pleasant evening.
When everyone had left I heard a very unusual, in fact almost unprecedented sound coming from upstairs. It was David practising his cello, and it actually sounded quite good! I think he is practising because he is wanting to join one of the school ensembles, and I am delighted! 

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