Saturday 1 August 2020

Walking, cycling, and visitors

Today James and I went for a walk up Ullapool Hill again, a small hill of 270 metres which overlooks the village and also has beautiful views of the mountains, Loch Broom, and the Summer Isles. It also has a lot of benches upon which the walker can rest to enjoy said views, which I appreciated. I only went about two thirds of the way up (I’m still not very fit) and waited for James on one of the benches while he popped up to the top and back down. Ally and Cat weren’t going to arrive until mid afternoon, so after lunch James checked over my bike and put more air in the tires, and I went for a wee cycle around the village which was very enjoyable. Then James and I sat on the bench outside the cottage and read our books in the sunshine.
When Ally and Cat arrived, we all walked down the path and over the bridge and saw the Calmac Ferry sailing majestically into the harbour. We had pre dinner drinks at The Frigate before visiting the Seafood Shack where James and Ally chose lobster and Cat had salmon, which they ate before dinner back at the cottage. We had a lovely chat and caught up on each other’s news. There was also much planning of hill-walking and camping for the week ahead. 

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