Friday 31 July 2020

Reading Josephine Tey

My Mum was the most avid reader I have ever met. I consider myself to be quite a “good reader” myself (as my library badges used to proclaim when I was a child!) but Mum was in a different league from me, and she read a wide range of literature. One of her favourite authors was Josephine Tey, and I have also read a few of her books, including the “The Daughter of Time” which was perhaps my Mum’s favourite book. When I was browsing around for books to download to my Kindle recently, I looked up Josephine Tey and found that there were a good few of her books that I haven’t read, so I downloaded one called “To Love and Be Wise,” a murder mystery set in a little English village. I’m about half way through and am finding it excellent, beautifully written and very witty. I do notice that some of the language and turns of phrase are old fashioned, which shouldn’t surprise me as the book is seventy years old. One phrase in particular that I noticed was “She went to watch a play on the radio.” which I found strange, because nowadays we would surely say “listen to a play on the radio.” 
James went back to Glasgow yesterday to sign some paperwork in order to put Grandma’s house on the market. This makes me a bit sad in an “end of an era” sort of way, but it has to be done. He arrived back in Ullapool this afternoon with another car load of stuff. He brought the bikes too, which I think is a very good idea because I think I’m more likely to cycle here than at home. We shall see. 

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