Monday 27 July 2020

Settling in

We had intended to spend a week in Ullapool when we arrived at the beginning of July, but there was so much to do in the house and garden that we ended up staying for a fortnight. We spent most of our time in the cottage and around Ullapool, apart from one outing to Lochinver. It was a beautiful sunny day and we went for a walk at nearby Loch Leitir Easidh, where we had a picnic beside one of the wee lochs. Then we strolled around Lochinver Harbour where James was delighted to find that the hardware shop was open and bought several vital garden implements. There is also a smaller hardware shop in Ullapool which James visits regularly.
We had our first visitors at the end of our first week - it was Ally and Cat, who did some hill-walking and took James to walk in the Fannichs on the Saturday. We had fish suppers when they all arrived back at the cottage, happy and hungry.
We headed back home on 18th July and were reunited with the four young folk (and of course Tom and Flora.) We caught up with all their news and had a few appointments and errands. I had a lovely chat with Cat, and one rainy afternoon Chanel and I watched Hamilton (a film of the original Broadway stage show) which has just been released on Disney Plus; it was really good.
We set off back to Ullapool at the end of the week, with the car packed full of bookcases, tables, duvets, and pillows. Since we will be doing this four hour journey on a fairly regular basis, I downloaded the audiobook of Neil Gaiman’s “The Sandman” and we listened to the first three episodes, which we both enjoyed. 

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