Thursday 30 July 2020

Swimming in the river

I love swimming outdoors. Whether it is in an outdoor pool, a loch, or the sea, I really enjoy the feeling of freedom and I like combining swimming with being in the fresh air.  
Our cottage overlooks the Ullapool River with the sea loch beyond. So when we arrived back here last week I was keen to get into the water, especially since indoor swimming pools have been closed since quarantine began at the end of March, so I haven’t been swimming since I was in Bali in March. 
I have seen people swimming in the river on sunny days, so I thought that was the best place to start. James came with me because I felt a bit nervous and slightly embarrassed about going on my own.
So James loyally brought a deckchair and his book, and sat on the riverbank. I was already changed into my swimming costume and wearing a large towelling poncho which made up in practicality for what it definitely lacked aesthetically! There was nobody else swimming at the time so I wasn’t sure of the best place to enter the water. At first the water felt cold and the stones under the surface were very slippery so I waded in deeper as quickly as I could. I was pleasantly surprised that the water deepened to about five feet, so I could swim up and down, and the temperature of the water was fine once I got used to it. I was so glad that I had ventured into the river, I had a lovely time, and it was great to go swimming again. 

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